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Marble Surface

ADHD Coaching | Hypnotherapy

Lindsay Kolpitcke is a Boise native who earned her degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology with an emphasis in Holistic Nutrition from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in 2014. Since then, she’s become certified in several modalities, including Brain, Health, and Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, and Emotional Freedom Technique, in addition to being a Registered Behavior Technician. She’s also been self-studying herbalism since she was 16 years old, and enjoys the ability to work closely with herbs as a Shop Steward at The Vervain Collective.


Lindsay works to incorporate all facets of her training to support her clients in an integrative, holistic manner. She views the coach-client relationship as a partnership, and enjoys educating and empowering her clients so they can take their health into their own hands. 

As a human with ADHD, Lindsay understands firsthand the struggles associated with this disorder. She has both personal and professional experience establishing and developing skills and techniques, and utilizing nutrition and herbs, to foster growth in this area.

Marble Surface
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